
Coronavirus Infection-19 (COVID-19) Infectious diseases Everything-2


Who can be tested?
You may be tested if you are classified as a doctor patient or a bequest box under investigation according to the case definition in this guideline.
You do not need to be tested for vague anxiety, so please trust your doctor's professional judgment.
Fever or respiratory symptoms (cough, dyspnea, etc.) within 14 days after contact with a confirmed patient
[Bequest box for investigation]
① A person suspected of corona19, including unknown pneumonia, according to the doctor's opinion
② Those who have a foreign visit and have fever (over 37.5 ℃) or respiratory symptoms (cough, dyspnea, etc.) within 14 days of returning home
③ Coronavirus Infectious Disease-19 A person who has epidemiologically related to domestic group outbreak, and has developed fever (over 37.5 ℃) or respiratory symptoms (cough, dyspnea, etc.) within 14 days.
<Source: Central Defense Response Headquarters `` Coronavirus Infectious Disease-19 Response Guideline (7-4 edition), '' based on 20.4.3.>


Where can I get tested?
You can take tests at screening clinics and general medical institutions where samples can be collected.You can check the selected medical clinics available on the website of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  ※ Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention → Coronavirus Infectious Diseases-19 → Search for selected medical centers and National Security HospitalsFor further inquiries, please consult with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or Health Center.


How is the test done?
(Sample collection) Samples are collected from doctors, nurses, and clinical pathologists (selected clinics, etc.).The essential sample is a sample of the upper respiratory tract, and a sample of the lower respiratory tract is taken from a patient with sputum. When collecting samples, there may be discomfort or pain. 
※ Nurses and clinical pathologists under the guidance of doctors
①(Upper sample) Mixing of nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal smears (1 tube)-(Nasopharyngeal smear) Insert a cotton swab deep into the nostril to collect secretions-(Oropharyngeal smear) Scrape the secretion from the inner wall of the throat with a cotton swab
② (Sample below) Collect cough by deep coughing so that saliva is not included-If there is no sputum, it is prohibited to induce sputum, as there is a possibility of aerosol if spitting forcibly
(Gene testing) Screening clinics that can be tested are tested directly, and if not, refer to the inspection agency.


How long does the genetic test take?
The test takes about 6 hours, but considering the sample transfer and waiting time, the results can be checked within 1 to 2 days after the test.


What is the inspection fee?
If you report as a doctor patient or a bequest box for investigation, you will not be charged for the cost of inspection. However, other medical expenses such as general consultation and X-ray examination are the responsibility of the person.


Without phlegm, is it correct to collect only the upper respiratory tract sample without inducing it?
That's right. The essential sample is a sample of the upper respiratory tract, and in patients with phlegm, one sample of the lower respiratory tract and one sample of the upper respiratory tract are sent. However, if there is no sputum, collection is never induced.


Is it necessary to have a sound pressure chamber when you collect sputum yourself?
It is not necessary to have a negative pressure chamber, but since there is a possibility of aerosol generation, it should be collected in an independent space with no internal circulation and good ventilation.


What is standardism when collecting samples?
Standardism is the most basic guideline for all treatments, techniques, and nursing of patients within a medical institution. It is a common precaution to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases.When dealing with the patient's blood, body fluids, secretions, feces, damaged skin and mucous membranes, the patient should be treated according to standard cautions. There is air caution.
※ Source: Center for Disease Control. Standard Guideline for Prevention of Medical Infections (2017), Homepage of the Center for Disease Control → Notices and Data → Guidelines


Does Corona 19 have a vaccine?
No vaccine is currently known.


There is no definite treatment, how do you treat it?
Corona 19 provides symptomatic symptomatic treatment (treatment in response to the symptoms of the disease).
The absence of a cure means that there is no targeted therapy designed to find and treat specific pathogens, such as corona19 virus or diseased cells.



Does the country support medical treatment if it is confirmed to be Corona 19?
It is borne by the state and local governments under the 「Act on Prevention and Management of Infectious Diseases」.

Prevention of coronavirus behavior

Be sure to overcome the coronavirus and be happy and healthy.

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